Compensation Survey Report - Available for Purchase

This report includes compensation data for 68 positions common to the aging services field. Data comes from participating, Indiana-based members of LeadingAge Indiana and Indiana Assisted Living Association. Salary and wage data are reported by number of full-time employees; by geographic location; by number of senior housing units, licensed beds, and living units; and by management. Data is reported for CCRCs, SNF, and Assisted Living (including Residential Care).

Within 2 business days of completing your purchase and paying in full, LeadingAge Indiana (LAIN) will email you a copy of the most current Compensation and Benefits Survey Report.

Please note that organizations that participated in the survey by submitting their salary and benefits data received a copy of the report for free when it was first published and may request the report for free at any time. If you are not sure whether your organization participated, please call 317-733-2380 to inquire before completing this purchase. Purchase price for members is $125. Non-members can purchase the survey for $225.